The onion is a vegetable that belongs to the lily family , like garlic, with which it shares some properties. The onion is a food and at the same time an excellent natural medicine. Although there are numerous types of onion, the most common are:
Common onion : golden in colour, large in size and with an intense flavour, it is one of the most commonly used in cooking.
Purple onion: purple in color, it is ideal for eating raw or pickled.
White onion : strong and crunchy flavour, less spicy than the common onion.
Let's see what are the main properties and benefits of red onion:
Properties of red onion for our health
Onions are mainly composed of water (89%) . Carbohydrates are the most abundant nutrient and they barely provide protein (1.2%) or fat (0.2%).
As for vitamins and minerals, it contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus , as well as a high percentage of chromium and small amounts of sulfur, bromine, cobalt, copper, magnesium, silicon and zinc.
It also contains phytochemicals (notably the flavonoid quercetin). This antioxidant, more powerful than vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and cancer-protective properties (breast, colon and prostate), and also helps reduce symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and depression.
Among the main properties of red onion is its glucoquinine content, a substance considered "vegetable insulin" that helps fight diabetes.
Its sulfur content has a purifying effect and its essential oil has bactericidal and fungicidal properties.
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In short, the red onion has the following properties :
Main benefits of red onion
Among the main health benefits of red onion , we can mention the following:
1. Prevents inflammation and oxidative damage
As we mentioned before, red onion is rich in the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin and also the polyphenolic antioxidant anthocyanin. These antioxidants help slow down oxidation and eliminate free radicals, which is why regular consumption of it prevents oxidative damage and inflammation throughout our body.
2. Naturally protects against cancer and heart disease
All onions, but especially the red one, have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties . Onions can hinder the development of cancer cells. In addition, their sulfur content helps to reduce triglyceride levels and so-called bad cholesterol, while promoting the increase of good cholesterol.
3. Excellent help against diabetes
Red onion also contains chromium, a mineral that helps reduce blood sugar and increase cellular sensitivity to insulin.
4. Relieves flu and cold symptoms
Another of the most well-known health benefits of red onion is the relief of cold and flu symptoms. It is a very effective remedy for cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and phlegm.
5. Strengthens hair and skin health
Among the main benefits of red onion for hair are: activating blood circulation in the scalp, accelerating hair growth, reducing hair loss, regulating excess oil and dandruff or restoring strength, volume and shine to the hair.
It also helps to treat some skin problems such as: calming acne, relieving insect bites, removing spots, healing wounds. Onion juice with honey or olive oil is a widely used remedy to relieve redness on the skin of the face.
6. Strengthens the immune system
Regular consumption of red onion in our daily diet helps strengthen our defenses and prevent infections . Its vitamin and mineral content helps our immune system function better.
Reasons to incorporate red onion into our diet
Onion is one of the most commonly used condiments in our Mediterranean diet. It can be eaten raw, fried, boiled, pickled, etc. A small amount of chopped onion with a little olive oil, the well-known sofrito, is the ideal start to many of our recipes.
If the red onion is delicious cooked, it is also the perfect ingredient for our salads. Its properties are much more effective if we eat it raw. A little tomato, some olives, a little red onioncut into julienne strips, drizzled with a few drops of olive oil, is an excellent option for eating.
If you find the flavour too intense when you eat it raw, you can soften it by letting the onion marinate for a few minutes with a little salt and a splash of vinegar.